
RØDE Wireless PRO Firmware Update adds Variable High-Pass Filter & more - Newsshooter

RØDE has a new update for the Wireless Pro system. The new Features include Two-Step High Pass Filter, the ability to disable Timeout on the TX, Disable Plug-in Power Detect, and Compatibility with RØDE Series IV Wireless Devices.

The Two-Step High Pass Filter can be added in either 75hz or 100hz in the RØDE Central app. The filter removes lower frequencies of the audio signal. The filter helps tame audio rumble from wind noise. Lc Coaxial Isolator

RØDE Wireless PRO Firmware Update adds Variable High-Pass Filter & more - Newsshooter

The Timeout feature can now be disabled. This feature will let you choose whether you want to have the transmitter power off after 15 minutes of non-use.

This is a handy feature. When you turn your camera on and off, the RX will also follow the power. This feature can now be disabled.

You can now use the Wireless Go II, Wireless ME, and Rodecasters with the Wireless Pro.

To update, use the RØDE Central App. It’s important to note you need to have all three Wireless Pro devices updated, or they will not work. The best practice is to use the included charging case and plug it into the computer while running the RØDE Central app. Check out the USER GUIDE for more info.

Erik is an 18 time Emmy award-winning DP, with over 20 years experience in photojournalism, working in newsrooms all over the USA. The last decade has seen Erik migrate into broadcast television and filmmaking, where he has discovered a passion for visual storytelling and production. Additionally, Erik is an outstanding educator, teaching filmmaking via courses on Linkedin Learning and

RØDE Wireless PRO Firmware Update adds Variable High-Pass Filter & more - Newsshooter

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